Everytime you say, “America is back!” because your candidate is back in power, you sledgehammer away at We the People and you continue to turn our elected employees into gods.
We the people became lazy, soft, unwilling to lose our freedoms and lives in order to keep our nation in its rightful state of honor, glory and service to one another.
I bow to Christ alone and never to any elected king or politician. American isn’t back because it left, we gave America away and taking it back as a people, regardless of differences, is the only way it will ever return.
Crazy, insane times we live in where we, as white men, are shamed, vilified, demonized, ostracized and canceled if we are even accused of being racist, yet we have to accept there is a culture in the world who are “God’s chosen” and to even question the hypocrisy of such a title’s relationship to the literal definition of racism, is to be an antisemite, the worst of all humans to walk this earth.
Satan is in full force with his division.
Christ is King, Lord, Savior and the one and only true God. Get right with Him and see the truth; because every fucking knee is going to bow to Him.
Even the true racists and the chosen ones.
Zaddy Izzo
Tom Hritz
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