🇺🇸 Be a part of the J6 community Pardon conversation. Come to DC and see an amazing lineup of speakers, including (but not limited to) https://StopHate.com team members Tamara Leigh, who spearheaded the Flynn Pardon of Innocence and the J6 Pardon Project, Daniel Goodwyn, J6er and lead researcher who was instrumental in exposing the hidden videos the true story behind January 6, and founder, David Sumrall, who led the team in producing four J6 Documentaries, uncovered more truth about J6 than any other investigator, fought for J6ers like nobody else, and has been instrumental in coordinating the most trusted J6 advocacy and support initiatives.
🎗 Go to https://J6PardonPanel.com for additional speakers and details about the Press Conference.
David Sumrall
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