I'm not giving the 'Republican' party another penny until they grow a spine!
In case you missed it during the past 15 years, the Dems do NOT want to cooperate, instead ramming their ideas on the American Public - "We have to pass it to see what is in it"- style of 'negotiation'. THEY changed the rules. Constantly acquiescing to their 'feelings' makes our position weaker, and threatens the AMERICAN way of life. We need to go 'Scorched Earth' in response. Make THEM suffer like we conservatives are forced to endure. No More Mr. Nice-guy.
Unfortunately, the Deep State Uniparty has infiltrated the Republican Party. The Republican Party won't even back a true conservative if they don't toe the approved Uniparty line.
The ONLY way to fight the corruption in BOTH parties is to enact TERM LIMITS! No more career politicians!!! 12yrs, maximum, for any Federal elected official. That's two US Senate terms, six US House terms or any combination thereof... 12 years in total! Oh, and no more 'exemptions' from the laws they pass on the public. No special Congressional pensions - they ONLY get Social Security like the rest of the population. No exclusive Congressional healthcare. Once Congress is under those same rules, we'll see how fast they fix the broken system!
This morning, my wife was watching some internet video blog that dealt with the RNC, specifically that it is falling short of donations. They are taking out a $10Million loan, and using their donor list as collateral. Hmmm. Does that sound like the Democrat's Deficit Spending to you at all?? It does me!
I also saw some internet story of how the RNC higher-ups have been spending $Millions$ on private jet travel, limos, flowers, etc.
Both of these stories SHOULD raise some red flags to the RNC and/or Republican Voters.
Why? because the RNC is run by a bunch of out-of-touch RINOs that insist that everything is fine with US politics as it stands. (Note that RINO Mitt Romney's daughter is RNC chair Ronna McDaniels)
Well, THIS American Voter sees it differently. The RINOs in charge would rather lose an election and stay the minority party rather than embracing - or supporting - a MAGA candidate and having to share the conservative platform. The last few election cycles they REFUSED TO give financial support MAGA candidates in some close races -- races, that if they had won, would have given the (R)s a firm majority.
I, for one, have given up donating to the RNC, NRSC, NRCC or any solicitation on their behalf. Recently I have been getting emails and texts from those organizations wondering why... For a while I had replied by simply mentioning my concerns about the direction of the Party. Not one response. Now I just hit 'Delete'. I WILL still continue to donate to the individual 'true conservative' candidate's campaign.
How many more like me are disenfranchised with the political 'machine'? When will it sink in to their RINO skulls?