It is what we have always dreamed of the draining of the swamp the return to common sense and true freedom the country and the white hats are on the march and destructive government is being dismantled before our very eyes.
Even the normies finally understand that the democratic government is so corrupt and void of integrity and morals.
America was backed into a corner and the only way out was Donald Trump.
And despite everything they threw at him he remained to become our president once more!
Long live Donald the victorious thank God for him and God speed in delivering America from evil.
An American owned Gaza Strip What an amazing concept A new land for Palestine as well peace in the Middle East forever Of course there will be many who dislike this happening but this is the only way to find true peace call it colonization call it whatever you want. Call it invasion. Call it take over. Call it. Anything you want but it will solve the issues in the Middle East.
Of course, my opinion is Trump is absolutely right if you let the Palestinians go back to running their own country, they will be bombing Israel as soon as they have the money to do so it is not a solution to keep doing the same things over and over again
Common man who enjoys free speech